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Martina Marsotto

RomaTre University School of Science, Italy


Martina Marsotto is Ph.D student of “Material Sciences, Nanotechnology and Complex Systems” at Roma Tre University (Dept. of Science) of Rome (Italy), supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chiara Battocchio. Her research interests are biocompatible materials functionalized with appropriate biomolecules for applications in the field of tissue engineering. In particular, her Ph.D research project deals with the investigation of titania (a biocompatible material widely used in the field of implantology) surfaces modified with biomolecules, as for example oligopeptides or oligosaccharides, using Synchrotron Radiation-induced XPS, NEXAFS and FTIR spectroscopies. She has one paper, as first author.



Abstract : Structural investigation of bioactive TiO2 substrates functionalized by adhesion peptides derivatized with chitosan