Susanne Staehlke
University of Rostock, Germany
Susanne Staehlke earned her Diploma in Genetic and Microbiology at the University of Rostock, and went on to earn her PhD at the University Medical Center Rostock, Dept of Cell Biology, Germany, studying the interaction of human osteoblasts with defined microtopographical features of titanium-cell architecture und signaling. She is now a young researcher completing her Post-doctoral training at the University Medical Center Rostock, Dept of Cell Biology. She is a Member of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM) and got DGBM Poster awards in 2011 and 2013. She is skilled in western blot analysis, immunofluorescence, biomedical science, flow cytometry, cell signaling and confocal microscopy. She has published over 10 papers and has given several invited presentations at international meetings around the world (Hong Kong: ICBB 2012, Minneapolis: BioInterface 2013, Oslo: ScSB 2013, Rytro: PSBM 2016 and 17, Xian: CMCB2017, Bordeaux: FiMPART 2017).
Abstract : Intracellular calcium ion signaling dependent on surface properties of biomaterials