Tjahjadi-Robert Tedjasaputra
Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Title: Prediction of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer using mRNA MSH2 quantitative and the correlation with non-modifiable factor
Biography: Tjahjadi-Robert Tedjasaputra
Background: Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer (HNPCC) is a dominantly inherited syndrome of high risk of Colo-Rectal Cancer (CRC) at a young age. Previous study has focused on DNA sequence polymorphism and Amsterdam and Bethesda criteria as the disease susceptibility. However, detecting mRNA quantitatively is easier to predict of HNPCC in CRC patient.
The aim of this study was to determine a cut-off point for RNA quantitative MSH2 gene expression for hereditary parameters and the correlation with non-modifiable risk factors of age, gender, tumor location, staging, family history and histopathology.
Methods: We performed a cross-sectional translational sequential study; (1) MSH2 mRNA quantitative RT-PCR gene expressions in tissue and whole blood CRC patients, (2) gene expression in normal matched controls, (3) bivariant and multiple analysis between hereditary CRC and non-modifiable risk factor based on MSH2.
Results: 40 CRC and 31 control subjects were enrolled. The mean blood MSH2 level of control group was 12,219 ± 756-fold changes (fc). The cut-off point for Hereditary MSH2 was 11,059 fc. The mean MSH2 blood level CRC subjects was 11,411 ± 2,912 fc and MSH2 tissue level was 7,485.00 (4,174.00-14,218.00) fc. Thirty two percent (32.5%) of CRC subjects had hereditary CRC based on their MSH2 blood level. Bivariant and multiple analysis showed significant correlation between MSH2 mRNA gene expression with Age, Staging and Family history.
Conclusions: The cut-off Point of hereditary mRNA quantitative expression could be used for screening for hereditary CRC of HNPCC. There was significant correlation of mRNA MSH2 level with Age, Staging and Family history.
Keywords: Colorectal cancer, MSH2 gene, Nonmodifiable factor.