Dora Alicia Cortés Hernández
Title: Synthesis and characterization of MnGaFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles for their potential use in biomedical applications
Biography: Dora Alicia Cortés Hernández
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNP’s) of iron oxide and other transitions elements are ideal candidates for their use in biomedical areas as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and thermoseeds for magnetic hyperthermia treatment. In this work, MNP’s of MnxGa1-xFe2O4 (x= 0-1) were synthesized by sol-gel method using citric acid as chelating agent of metallic precursors. The synthesized powder was identified by X-Ray Diffraction as an inverse spinel structure of Fe1.4Ga1.6O4 where the substitution of manganese ions was observed by slightly reflexions displacements on the diffraction patterns. Magnetization saturation values obtained for the synthesized samples were in the range within 14.2 and 53.7emu/g, while the coercivity field was below 67 Oe in all cases. Transmission Electronic Microscopy allowed the determination of the particle size, which was around 18 nm. Magnetic induction results showed an efficient temperature increase of the nanoparticles under a magnetic field and quantities of 4.5mg of MNPs per mL of liquid medium are enough to increase the temperature at 43.5°C in around 7min. Hemolysis was tested using suspensions of 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 and 10.0mg of magnetic material per mL of solution and the results showed hemolytic values below 2% in all the cases. According to the results discussed above it is expected that these synthesized nanoparticles can be potentially used as thermoseeds for cancer treatment by hyperthermia therapy.