Esra Altun
Marmara University, Turkey
Title: Production of a new bio-inspired neuro-regeneration structure
Biography: Esra Altun
Tissue application and regenerative medicine are the basis of engineering and life sciences to improve and repair tissue malfunctions. Functional disorders or loss of sensory and motor function of nerves are included in the research spectrum of tissue engineering with research and development intentions. Recently, Electrospinnig Technique is a rapid and facile duration driven by the electrical power on the surface of polymeric solution, fabricated of polymer nanofibers using an electrostatic force. Electrospinning provides non-wovens to the order of few nanometers with large surface areas, ease of functionalization for various purposes and superior mechanical properties. Cellulose is one of the most plentiful biopolymer found in nature but it can also be synthesized by several bacterial species. In this work, Acetobacter xylinum strain were used. Bacterial Celulose (BCs) is generally water-insoluble, flexible and elastic biopolymer with high tensile strength. Because of those features it has recently became quite popular in scientific researches. Despite previous studies, BCs has been dissolved in unique method within our study. In this study reported that BCs/PCL blend nanofibers were produced using electrospinning technique for replacement to unfunctional nerve tissue. SEM images, FTIR data and mechanical properties of BCs/PCL blend nanofibers with capsules were analyzed. It came to realization that fibers with capsules were branching just like the nerve systems of humans (NSHs). Process outgrowth as such would be a good material for design a new novel nerve cell therapy method (Neuroregeneration method) based on biomimic fundamentals and guide these nanocarrier fibers to where it is needed.