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Enrico Bastianelli

Enrico Bastianelli

Bone Therapeutics


Mr. Bastianelli started his career in the Pathology Department of the Erasme University Hospital in Belgium. He joined Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals in 1996, where he was involved in the marketing of drugs in the field of bone diseases. In 1999, he became a consultant for McKinsey & Co, where he was involved in strategic and organizational missions for major pharmaceutical as well as biotechnology companies. From 2002 until mid-2006, Mr. Bastianelli worked as VP Corporate Development for ProSkelia, focused on bone diseases and hormone disorders. He was responsible for the management of the R&D portfolio, resources allocation and planning, alliances, collaborations and downstream integration. He was one of the main contributors to the merger with Strakan. Enrico Bastianelli has been CEO of Bone Therapeutics since 2006.

Research Interest

Orthopedic materials, Biomaterials, bone diseases and hormone disorders